Friday 16 May 2014

May 11th, 12th, 13th: Mother's Day, Bad News, and My Birthday

So this last week has been a busy one for me, not only am I working at the hotel hosting a group of 11 artists (all wonderful people) here working on watercolour I also had a couple events in my own personal life. First of course last sunday was Mother's day, I Skyped my mom from France, I didn't officially get her anything so I'll have to make it up to her with dinner when I get back to Saskatoon, however I did find out that on the 13th my gifts I picked up in Giverny and I sent for my parents and brothers from Limoux finally arrived:)
So Happy belated Mother's Day to my wonderful mom who loves me with all her heart even if I cheer for the Yankees and not the Mets or Blue Jays:P
Seriously though you rock and I can't wait for you and Dad to visit!

Then on the morning of the 12th came some very sad news, After having shared her Mother's Day surrounded by family and loved ones my Great Grandmother Opal passed away quietly in her sleep at 97. She was one of the most remarkable people anyone could meet and will be so sorely missed. I am glad that she passed away peacefully with no pain, she never suffered with her mind as so many do in their late years and she was still doing so much independently including writing cards and letters to family and friends. Not many people make it to 97 with such sharp wits about them but she was blessed with a clear mind, a big heart and great longevity. I am very sad I will miss her viewing and funeral and will have to visit her grave next to my great-grandfather's in Moose Jaw when I get home.

Here is one of my favourite pictures of my Grandmother and I, this one was taken just last December at her 97th Birthday Party. I have some at home of her holding me as a baby that I wish I could share but unfortunately they are not on my computer.
After hearing the news of my Great Grandma I found myself in poor spirits for planning my own little birthday here in Limoux and since I hadn't really told anyone about my birthday I figured I'd just have a quite normal day to myself no fuss. However, I must have at some point let something slip to Kristina since when I went for my run in the evening I came home to a dinning room full of wonderful people and a big Vegan Chocolate Cake for me (the Cake was amazing btw and curtesy of Einat, I must steal her recipe)! 

In July I'm tasked with making Einat's cake so I'll have to try and one up her! 

So here is a picture of my fabulous card from my Family back home!

And here is a picture of everyone at my place waiting for me to get back from my run, since they were surprising me I didn't know I was supposed to be home, so I wasn't! I guess while waiting they all played a game of inventing theories for my absence including a secret lover, or that I was out at the bar partying! They said the fact that the only thing missing from my room was my runners was a good give away for where I was. 

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