Wednesday 7 May 2014

April 25th 2014: Borough Market, Globe Theatre, Tate Modern and More

Another Fabulous selfie of Stephanie and I, here catching up on my Starbucks deprivation.. mmm grande half sweet soy hazelnut latte a.k.a my life juice. 

On my second full day in bustling London Steph took me to one of the very cool food markets the Borough market. Here vegan deliciousness was in abundance and I purchased not only a veggie burger for Steph and my self but also two chocolate rocky roads for us, and a cupcake for me...oh and banana bread! I'm a growing girl, even if its only side-to-side these days!

After the Market Steph quickly showed me this very old church which was uncovered in the area recently as they were developing the area. It would be missed by anyone who did not know to look at it. Barely anything is left but historically it is remarkable to see all the same. Somehow once lost and forgotten it seems a reminder for how easily these monuments of our past can slip away, all but lost forever.

 Next we came across the this Prison museum which I chose not to do as it seems quite hokey now, very touristy haunted-house style. However this building once housed one of the most notorious prisons in all of London.

 Next we walk past The Anchor, a very curious little pub steeped in history right back to when Shakespeare likely drank and wrote and directed plays for audiences right here. I posted a picture of the sign which may be difficult to read but if you can manage to blow it up on your computer I prompt you to give it a look through as the pub was very interesting!

 The Globe theatre and some of the players, we did not get tickets to the show but when we passed there was one on and so we were able to see the players walking around on the outside of the theatre.

 After catching a quick glimpse of the Globe theatre and watching the players move along the outskirts for a while Steph and I decided to take a go through the Tate Modern, one of the most famous modern art museums in the world. filled with plenty of though provoking art work it is definitely a must see and like most museums in London it is free aside from the temporary exhibitions. All permanent collections come at no charge.
I really found the collection of poster quite interesting. The museum show cases the rise of mass imaging and media as well as popular culture through a historical lens.

 Very famous modern artwork at the Tate Modern, Here above is a famous Picasso particularly provocative as well as interesting as you can see multiple faces for each woman evoking various emotions within the piece.

 The Tate modern affords beautiful views of the Thames. 

Here is a quick snap of the Tate modern from the outside.
All in all it was a wonderful day although it did start to rain quite hard, luckily just at the right time me and Steph had entered into the Tate modern so we stayed nice and dry. Not to mention we both had our umbrellas with us. After the museum Steph showed me her current work place Founders a bar located right next to the Tate Modern. There we enjoyed a drink and Steph quickly introduced me to her co-workers.

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