Friday 2 May 2014

April 20th: Easter Sunday in Paris

So this year I had a very special holiday in a very special place. True I had no family there which was kinda sad, and not something I ever plan to experience on a holiday again, but Easter in Paris is actually pretty nice. I started my day with an experience of a life time having mass at Notre Dame, Easter Sunday mass is one of the few that take place here anymore. I believe they also do Easter vigil and maybe Christmas Eve. I'm not the most religious person really, but I thought this was an experience almost anyone from any walk of life could appreciate. I caught some videos of the bells playing and some recordings of the singing so I'll try to get them working on here for you all to experience as well.
At the moment though I haven't quite figured it out yet.

After that I went to Musee de l'Orangerie which I probably spelled very very wrong, and saw Monet's massive and beautiful water lilies. I felt like seeing his garden in person really allowed me to appreciate his work to a whole new level I'd never understood before. Unfortunately I could not take photos as they watch like hawks in those rooms, but if you are ever in Paris this is a must see. It is a small museum and doesn't take much out of your day at all. I was especially lucky since it was Easter sunday there was no one around and no line ups so everything was very smooth and very tourist free.

Then I headed over to the Musee de Rodin, which was fabulous. I really loved this garden and I really lucked out with weather as the sun came out and it was absolutely perfect for sitting in the garden soaking up the rays and sketching the various famous sculptures by the master.

After the Garden I stopped by the outside of Napoleons tomb but didn't go in as I decided to leave that for the next time. I was feeling peckish, and my appetite american so I headed to a Burger places in a very college orientated area of town along the New Face of Paris, it was young and hip I wish I'd spent more time here as it was clearly much more of a local paris. There were lots of student run museums and shops including the museum of film and the museum of super heros neither of which I went in to. Anyways this is my loaded mushroom burger from the Vegan burger place M.O.B again a very popular joint, but worth seeing. Once again thanks Happy Cow for the recommendation I swear I would have died without that app. 

So I was exhausted and needed to pack so I headed back to the hostel packed my bags and then went out for a last walk along the Seine and Ile de la Cite before I treated my self to a very nice Easter dinner for one. I went back to Gentle Gourmet Cafe, I had intended to go to another location but it was apparently closed I assume for Easter. besides I couldn't ignore that I could go for some of that right now. 

mmmm risotto yum....

Anyways I loved Paris, and I'm already dying to go back, the food, the culture, the sites and the people were all wonderful. For the record the French of Paris are way WAY more polite than the Londoners. Anyways, there was so much I missed and have to see someday even though I do think I saw an impressive amount for the time I was there. My feet were in definite need of recovery and I could barely walk when I'd made it back to Limoux. My itineraries and restaurant choices worked out incredibly well and I can say that I had an amazing Paris experience. New York has always been my true love, and I'm not sure it'll ever really change, Paris and New York are so so different they can't really compete with each other, however I think I will consider taking Paris on as a mistress of sorts. I think New York will understand. I can't help but look at semesters studying art history abroad in Paris now, I suppose dreaming about that will be my new hobby. It'd be wonderful though to do a semester of my undergrad in Paris and then get into a master program in New York. I'm clearly cursed with the desire to live in beautiful and expensive cities. 

The next day I flew from my new love back to Limoux where as I said I could barely move. Of course I only had about a day and a half to wash my clothes and pack for my next adventure in London with my wonderful friend Stephanie, who is probably the oldest friend I have going way back to when we were about five and my mom taught her kindergarten, and the friendship is still strong! I'll be writing to you all about London soon, most likely starting tomorrow. I had the great pleasure of hanging with a local so although I did the touristy things I also got to see and experience a different London than most tourists I imagine get to see, and boy did I have a blast!

p.s let me know if that sound works.

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