Thursday 15 May 2014

Last Day in London: Museums, Cat Cafe and Abbey Road

My last day in London was beautiful weather. My first stop was the  Somerset House to the the Courtauld Gallery. A small collection that houses some of the worlds most famous art work. 

 This is the Somerset House, in the winter they put up a big skating rink in he middle of the court yard.
 In spring and summer as you can see the courtyard is a fountain with little cafes spilling out of their shops.

 See what I mean, very very famous work.

 Van Gogh



 Cezanne (My favorite artist)



 Kees Van Dongen ( a new discover for me but I loved his tonality, stroke and play of colour)

 Kandinsky (always a pleasure to see)

 I loved this piece by Leon Kossoff I had never seen his work before but the way he uses the paint, so thick, it almost blurs the lines between painting and sculpture as he used the paint to build up form, dimension and complexity, the piece has almost become 3 dimensional. Its remarkable.

 Then I headed to the Charles Dickens Museum which exists in one of his homes during his life London.

 Kitchens used to keep Hedgehogs to eat and keep out bugs. Who knew.

 The old washing machine, the water would be heated by the stove underneath and then stirred by a big wooden spoon essentially.
 The wine cellar
 His study containing his own personal collection of books.

The Children and servants floor. 

 Charles Dickens Father.

 After this I met up with Steph, which was no easy task due to the Tube strike that was one, I got horribly thrown off and it took me about 2 hours to get back:S Anyways, I found my way and the two of us headed out for my personal favourite place in the whole world, A Cat Cafe. Yes, that is right, a cafe of tea and cake (even Vegan options) and cats roaming freely for you to play and cuddle with :) I was so SO happy here. I plan on opening my own in Saskatoon now!

 The Furniture was amazing everything was set up for the happiness and freedom of the cats including this creative shelving unit. I got some great ideas for my future house when I am an old crazy cat lady.

 Mmm my Vegan Lemon Cake was soo good I had two!

 I loved this ones facial markings sooo cute!

 So annoyed I disturbed him from his slumber!
 Soakin up the sun rays:)

 After the Cat museum we headed to Abbey Road (since it was my last day I was really trying to cram everything in at the last minute)

 Me a walkin on the cross walk:)

 The Studios

That concluded my awesome trip to London, that night I ordered pizza for everyone at Steph's flat as a thank you and the next morning caught a cab at 4:30 am and was on my way back to Limoux.

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