Friday 2 May 2014

April 19th: The Louvre

So I have fallen horribly behind on my blog as I wanted to publish days in order so when I left for London I deleted my Paris photos of the phone so I would have space for more but since I hadn't taken my computer I couldn't continue on with the blog. I will do my best to catch you all up as I know a lot of you (my grandparents mostly) really look forward to reading all about what I've been up to!

Alright so on the 19th of April I woke up bright and early to arrive at the louvre an hour before it opened so I wouldn't have to wait in line...guess what, I was still in a line up. Luckily though it was a much smaller line up then what had formed about 10 minutes after I arrived so I was counting my blessings. Knowing the tourist attraction that the louvre is I was pretty well aware it was going to be packed. I also knew Mona Lisa was my number one priority and the game plan immediately became get in and find her and don't even look at another painting till you do. I got in maybe 50th on the pyramid entrance and some how it was already packed when I got in. It appeared I was not the only one B-linning it for Mona to beat the line ups, me and about 7 others were clearly on a mission. Thinking back its actually pretty funny, since it was a museum of course non of us wanted to run but I can't say I've ever witnessed a group of people speed walking quite so enthusiastically. So with elbows out the 7 of us or so charged through the crowds of uncultured tourists who had absolutely know idea what this magnificent palace contained in its walls. As all the lost guests stared blankly at their floor maps, no one was safe from this group of Da Vinci worshippers as we battled through the groups of hallway blockers. I'm proud to say I won, and not proud to admit how many people I may or may not have knocked over to do so. But, there I stood directly in front of the Mona Lisa first in line at the very opening of the day. I stood and looked long and hard at this mysterious lady who has tormented art historians alike for hundreds of years as they attempt to unlock her secrets. I can't say I managed any better than they have but I will say she is one hell of a view...even if its about 15 feet away and behind bullet proof glass. As I turned around to see the Feast of Cana (which is directly across the room from Mona but of course everyone completely ignores), I found my self trapped infront of a sea of people all holding up their cameras, flashes on, taking horribly un-tasteful selfies with Mona. So you see I was right to speed walk to victory ignoring any and all consequences.

Well, I loved the Louvre, really I did, and I saw as much as I could, but believe it or not there is really only so much of this place a person can handle. So after seeing all the paintings, Napoleons departments, Venus, and the Medieval underground I called it quits because frankly had I seen one more person walk past a Michelangelo without even a glance or acknowledgment to the holy ground on which they were treading, I swear, I'd have hurt someone.
Anyways, after the Louvre I went on another one of my neighbour hood walks. This was one of Frommer's and it is centered around Hemmingway's Paris. 

I had a horrible time finding his first apartment I did however successfully fin his first apartment with Hadley, I also spent a great deal of time on Rue de Mouffetard a market street described in his novel a Movable feast. Its small and crowded and exactly the parisian place you look for in paris. It also led me to the most wonderful vegan bakery with cheesecake and doughnuts and cupcakes and everything to keep my little vegan heart content.
This is Hemmingway and Hadley's first apartment, it is very clear that the french are very proud of Hemmingway's time spent in Paris and it is even clearer that they'd like to claim him as their own. It was not un common to walk down the streets of this neighbourhood and reading signs claiming to be Hemmingway's favourite cafe or bar or store or over stating the length of time he lived here or there. Although it is likely that Hemmingway frequented most of the drinking holes in this location.

Here is a shot of Mouefftard and not a very good one I was trying to hold my camera above the head of everyone but it seems I missed most of the street action in doing so. 

mmm J'aime chocolat! This was the best little find:)

That was pretty much my day, The Louvre really wore me down and I was there most of the day. After this only one more day in Paris:( 

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