Saturday 5 April 2014

Saturday April 5th, 2014: First Drive

Today was my first drive out with the cyclist. We drove from Limoux to Lagrasse and back on a loop through the mountains. The van I had to drive was big, very big, as a matter of fact they call it The Bus because it is so large. I had to manoeuvre this beast of a vehicle through the narrow, winding and steep roads. Every time a car came shooting out of the corner right in front of me I nearly had a heart attack but I survived and only stalled once, so I call that a success. 
The role I am meant to play on these excursions is to drive ahead of the cyclist to wherever the road forks and point them in the correct direction. This means there are certain check points I have to stop at and wait for all the cyclists to go by. Unfortunately due to my apparent inability to clarify information I passed one such checkpoint. Happily the cyclist managed to find there way and I was able to connect with them at a later point and take them back to Limoux in the bus. My mistake could have been a total disaster had the ladies gotten lost in which case I would have had to drive all over the country side searching for them in these twisting roads. Luckily that wasn't the case and I will be sure to be very specific when I ask my questions from now on! 
Alright now time for Lagrasse, you all deserve to see some photos as this town was stunning, as was the journey there. Unfortunately I have limited photos of the trip since I was driving and could only take photos when we stopped at various check points. None the less I got some good ones.

The Bus (Interior) forgot to take an exterior shot but I'll have other chances 

Kristina Showing me how its done, driving the big van!

This is the front of the Abbey before it opened today, this is considered one of the "Must See" Abbey's of France and is the reason Lagrasse was founded. The Abbey was built as part of the campaign against the Cathars in the 13th century.

 The little boy in the photo is the son of Isabelle one of the ladies who help run the Hotel.

It was very windy!All the buildings along the bank date back to about 13th 14th century. 

Here is the interior of the Abbey de Lagrasse

You can only look into this room through a small window in order to preserve the frescos. You can sort of see the saints and stations of the cross painted on the wall. 

This is the other end of that room you can't go in, facing the altar 

The door to the chapel that was being preserved

Fallen columns being kept in a museum room

I can't remember what this room was for but the fire place was grand.

And that is basically it for Lagrasse and the road there. I will probably go back with another group someday this summer I would love to explore the small towns square and shops more! 
This was my first excursion in Aude and I will most likely be having another with the cyclists tomorrow! 
Au Revoir for now!

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