Wednesday 26 March 2014

Wednesday March 26th, 2014: Departure

So before I start yammering about my first day I'll go ahead and explain the blog address and title I've chosen as I'm sure the references might not be all together clear. First off the blog web address prairie-to-provence is a reference from where I live (Sask.) to where I'm headed (South of France). But, here is the rub, I'm not actually going to be living in Provence, it just sounded better than Prairie-to-Languedoc Roussillon (which btw is where I will really be living)! So forgive me but I went for aesthetics over accuracy.
Second is the Blog Title: Wanderlust - Fernweh - L'appel du vide. The first word Wanderlust is english and it essentially (and somewhat un-poetically) means the desire to wander into places one has never been, to have caught the travel bug. Fernweh is German (and much more romantic sounding in my opinion) it means to crave a place one has never been, to long for the unknown and feel homesick for it. Finally the short and eloquent french phrase L'appel du vide, which translates literally into The Call of the Void. If that wasn't beautiful enough already figuratively the phrase refers to standing on the edge of a cliff and wanting to jump, to the French it means to stand at the threshold of the unknown and to fall blindly and passionately into it. So if you haven't already noticed the pattern, the title I have chosen essentially explains how I feel, and why I chose to go on this little journey of mine. I feel as though I long for a place I have never been and I desire to learn from the cultures, people, and experiences that feel almost completely unknown to me. France has always brought me an intense feeling of Fernweh and so it is one of the first great unknowns I hope to discover for myself. The final sweet detail of my title choice is that the languages of each word represents the countries I stop in while heading to my final destination in Limoux; Canada-Germany-France. So if that doesn't wrap up nicely in a bow I just don't know what does.

Alright now if you didn't fall asleep during my rant, here is my official entry:

Well I guess my little adventure has begun! I am currently sitting in the Toronto airport on my second delay en route to France. My first delay was in Saskatoon where the plane landed late so we left about half an hour after our scheduled departure time. My second delay is the result of a workers strike going on at the Frankfurt airport in Germany. This strike means no flights have been able to depart for Frankfurt all day so the airport is full of plenty grumbly impatient folks just like me! I Have been informed that once I get to Frankfurt, at 3pm on Thursday FRA time, it is very likely that I will meet another delay. However, this third delay may actually be a blessing in disguise because if my final flight is not delayed than the chances are that I will miss the connection to Toulouse and have to wait till another option comes up.
I was going to post plenty of fine photos of me saying goodbye to my Dad and dear friend Emily at YXE but unfortunately my phone camera does not feel like connecting to my computer at the moment. I guess the visuals will have to wait. If anyone is concerned about my dietary habits and ability to find food anywhere (Mom) I ate a very yummy falafel wrap, a banana, hummus and dip and also a chocolate soy milk beverage for a simple supper, all conveniently found at the little restaurant beside my gate. In other news I also lost my water bottle within the first 5 min of being in Toronto so I'll go ahead and take that as a good omen that its all up hill from here.
OK, that's basically it for me. I'll be sure to post from Frankfurt if I have a delay but if not than I'll post from Limoux once settled.
Au revoir for now!

p.s My sincerest apologies for any poor spelling or grammar. I am getting pretty tired and did not bother to check my work.

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