Friday 28 March 2014

Friday Mach 28th 2014: First Day

So this is my street

Here is Limoux's Church

and again

The Hotel I work

My current residence but I move in a week.

Finally, after 20 some hours of travel I arrived in Limoux! Rushing through the Frankfurt airport I somehow managed to get through customs, find my boarding pass and make it to the gate about 5 minutes before the shuttle left to the plane. My secret to airport success, look as pathetic, innocent and lost as possible and they'll let you get away with anything, including lining up in the domestic passports line when you should have gone in the international passports line. They let me through anyways! I also dropped my hat which was returned to me and then dropped my neck pillow which was also returned to me, finally on the plane I tried to sit in the gate number and not my seat number. That doesn't sound too bad, but imagine going to sit at the back of the plane when your seat is really almost at the front and then having to crawl through the narrow hallway, and all the people in it, so you can get to your seat and out of the way. My first time flyer was showing and I was completely ashamed. Also my purse strap broke so I was using a plastic bag to carry half my stuff :( 

<--- This by the way was my meal from Toronto to Frankfurt. It didn't come with the soy milk I picked that up for a little extra calcium, protein and B12 in the Toronto airport. My airplane food, however, was very tasty and included a warm quinoa mixed veggie and spicy sweet potato dish as well as a bun, a cookie, water and a little mix bean salad. The cookie and bun were packaged so I actually just stuffed them in my purse for a snack later. My point is that this looked a lot better than the potato and chicken dish the girl beside me had. My meal defiantly hit the mark on more nutrients and as a bonus it came out before anyone else got their food. So travel advice, even if you don't have a special diet I would recommend getting one of these meals anyways since you'll eat sooner and probably healthier. 

Anyways, I was picked up at the Toulouse airport by Christina who will be my partner in crime all summer. Her and I are currently sharing a room because my apartment is still occupied. We will be sharing a room all week. 
I was lucky to wake up to the market today, which is sort of like the fringe festival in Saskatoon except it takes place every Friday plus there is all the farmer's produce. I also had no problem buying groceries including fortified non-dairy milk and a vegan vitamin B12 supplement, plus plenty of fresh produce. I will probably go to the super market next week and hopefully be able to get a wider range of baking ingredients. Grocery stores in Limoux aren't like back home they each only sell one department so to speak. So for instance the produce shop only sells fruits and veggies and the bakery only sells bread and grains, so unless your going to the supermarket you're stopping at 3 or 4 places to find all your food. I am actually okay with this it makes for a nice afternoon of walking around and forces you to meet more people. 

It is lunch time here though so I'm going to eat. I'll post again tomorrow after my first official day of work! 
Au Revoir

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