Sunday 30 March 2014

Sunday, March 30th 2014: Working and Living

Bonjour Mes Amis et Famille!

Yesterday (heir), was my first day of work at Le Monastère here in Limoux! It is mine and Kristina's job to drive to the airport on Saturdays (Samedi) and pick up or drop off our guests. Driving was a bit of a challenge as the roads here are quite different from the roads in Saskatchewan. They drive on the right so that part is easy, however there are plenty of twists and turns as well as round-abouts not to mention how narrow the roads are here in the foothills of the Pyrenees.  The car was also standard and about 20 odd years newer than the vehicles I am used to back home; also it was electric. So basically I stalled... a lot, however by the end I was getting a pretty good handle on it; practice makes perfect!

Our current guests are all apart of the same group from Britain (although two live in Ontario now). The group is called Wheel Women, a pun made when the group was formed 20 years ago as a rebuttal to the British movement to push women back into the home. The Wheel Women have been coming here to cycle with Chris (The Hotel Owner) since they first began the group. They are always the first guests and they get to stay two weeks as opposed to only one. 

Today, (aujourd'hui) Kristina and I learned how to make breakfast. This is one of our duties every Sunday (Dimanche). After that we cleaned up the kitchen and breakfast area, and from here we start splitting our work. Each Sunday either Kristina or I must take a vehicle and head out with the cyclists as a guide while the other cleans rooms. This week Kristina took the cyclists as she has been here longer and is more familiar with the area, although we will switch off on who drives. Meanwhile I made beds and swept floors etc. Cleaning was okay, I was done by noon so I had the afternoon off while Kristina didn't finish work until 3:30. That being said I think I am looking forward to driving since it will allow me to see the beautiful areas around Limoux! Perhaps we'll set it up that She will take the cyclists (since she was one) and I'll take the artists (since I wish I was one)! 

I thought I may show some pictures of the Hotel since I think that might be more interesting than my descriptions. 

This is the Front door
outside (left)
and inside (right) views

The door to the
court yard.
I didn't take one
of the outside it
was cold this
I will on a sunny

Here is the court yard, from one angle (The angle that can be taken from inside the warm hotel!)
I will provide better photos as the court yard must be admired by all! It is obviously kept up by Chris and Fabienne but originally it was built 600 years ago (The Front only 400 years).

The court yard is most spectacular at night so tomorrow when I clean up dinner I will take pictures of the fountain lit up and sparkling!

The other "must see" in the hotel is the 600 year old well and Wine Cellar, neither of which I went in today (although I would never "go" in the well, just look at it). The Wine cellar is particularly amazing as it was used to hide Jewish families during the holocaust until they could be taken into Spain. More on that with Photos though, it may deserve its own post!

More of the Courtyard. Everything is in bloom now:) C'est tres Beau! (That may be wrong, I was going for: it is very beautiful!)

My french is so terrible I must force myself to practice!

I'll leave this post alone but I will do another on the run I took today to start exploring a bit. It will include a picture of the outside of my apartment to be, so watch for it!

until then, Au Revoir!

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