<---And Here I am
<-- this was an old decrepit garden house I just loved and the photo does not do it any justice.

Everything is in full bloom now. Well its almost in full bloom.

Here (below) is an example of what I meant earlier when I said the streets were narrow.

<-- Very old Pathways between 400-600 years old for the stone lining.

Ducks! (I had to, so cute!)
The bridge. The hotel is on the side of the river that this photo is facing.

If I am correct I believe this is my apartment to be I think the two buildings are the same as there is only one house number.

This is the museum of pianos... I can't say its a major "must do" for me ^

This is the back of the Church of Limoux, I haven't been in yet but I imagine its beautiful as all old European churches tend to be.

Anyways, that is everything I saw while running. (Condensed anyways.) I hope it gives everyone a taste of the flavour of Limoux.
I have photos of the Carnival (An event that last 3 months or something) to come so stay tuned!
For now,
Au Revoir!
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