Sunday 22 June 2014

Update June 22nd: Leucate Plage, Rennes-le-Château et Gorges de Galamus

Hey so trying to do a bit better with updates, here is a little summary of my last few days. The weather has been amazing really one can't complain, except for the humidity which makes breathing and having nice hair virtually impossible. Anyways, Thursday was June 19th which for me was registration day for my University classes at U of S, and it was pretty miserable. I got into 8 of my 10 classes and am currently waiting on overrides, as it was so close to the weekend I don't expect much till next week. I filled out the forms but couldn't scan or fax them. I rather unprofessionally sent them as JPEG files in the hopes that the departments of Sociology and of Geography and Planning will take pity on me. Next step will be to try good old snail mail so I really hope they take the files as photos and it'll finally be over with.
Friday was a bit better, I road with the guests to Leucate Plage to enjoy a very hot day in the sun. I definitely gained some colour on the ride and my cyclist tan lines are on their way. The cyclists with the last group were a bit novice so they chose not to make the full 70 km trip planned which meant I actually got a pretty easy ride in and a very relaxing day at the beach. The Mediterranean Sea was nice and warm I swam in it for quite a while and even saw a few fish swimming near me. Unfortunately while there I broke my sunglasses but it was my cheap knock of Oakley's and not my beautiful Waiting for the Sun France wooden pair from Paris. :) I also dove down and found a pair of sunglasses which unfortunately for me and their owner were prescription.
Saturday was my day of rest, after the big hike Wednesday, registration torture on Thursday and the hot sun on Friday I really just needed to sit in the A/C apartment and read and watch movies so I did just that, with the exception of work and a stint to the gym of course.

Then today was a real treat my friend Tom took me out to see Rennes-le-Château and Gorges de Galamus. I have to admit I liked the Gorge best it was beautiful, and not nearly the hike Tom made me do Wednesday for which I was grateful. Anyways I have plenty of pictures for you all! Enjoy!

Here is a picture of the gorge I biked through on the way to the beach.
And here is the beach. 

 Here is my selfie with my now broken sunglasses. 

Here is the god awful public washroom.... just let that sink in. 
Here is a beautiful view of Carcassonne we enjoyed on the way back. 

Limoux was sunny and wonderful Saturday:)

Here is my little trip to Rennes-le-Château with Tom. If you don't know this is famous for being connected to the Da Vinci Code.

There is Tom by the church.

and here is the Chateau. 

this rock was for sacrificing people in 3000BC. Violent.Great views on top of the hill here.

 And then we headed to the Gorges which was stunning. 

 Here is me a happy camper:)

 Here you can sort of see the tiny dot that is a spelunker diving in the water caves. 
 This is an old monk house, I'll have to look up more information on it but it was very cool there was a wood carving of Jesus and a blind woman and a fountain for Mary, not sure the meaning behind either but I am sure there is more to it. I'll research another day!

Anyways its all been lovely I don't have anything on the go so far for the next few days but I will head to Carcassonne on Wednesday to meet my gal Steph! Can't wait to show her around! 

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